Quick Write Thirty Two: Wacky Wednesday

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Read and follow the steps below for this Quick-write

Step One: 
Today is Wacky Wednesday so we are mixing up the styles of prompts.

Step Two: Choose an option below (either visual or create the story)

Step Three: Create the story by STARTING with either a SETTING SNAPSHOT or a CHARACTER SNAPSHOT

Option One: VISUAL 

Use your imagination.  Choose a photo below and write the story

Photo One:

Photo Two:


Choose one of the situations below and create the story...

Choice One:

At school you only have one task to complete each day.  Every day you go in, sit at your desk, and wait for the red light to turn on.  When it does, you push a button.  You repeat this process until the end of the day.  One day, you find out what the button does... 

Choice Two:

Walking to catch the bus, you notice a young boy look both ways before entering an alley.  When you follow him into the alley, he has disappeared.  Instead, there is a neatly folded note lying on the pavement.  What does it say?  How do you react? What happens?