Quick Write Forty Four: Create the Theme Part Two

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Today's Quick Write Challenge!

Today you will create the theme!  Choose ONE THEME option and ONE STORY STARTER.  Create a story that clearly demonstrates the THEME you have chosen!  Good Luck...


1. Things are not always as they appear

2. Accepting a challenge leads to positive results.

3. Knowledge can help us prepare for the future.


Story Starter

Thunder clapped against the sky. The girl shuddered. She knew something was out there in the night. Something that shouldn't be.


Story Starter

The old man walked to his desk and pulled out a key. He handed it with a scowl to his nephew. "You don’t know what you’re doing," he muttered. 


Story Starter

The wind whipped the trees in the backyard. Ted was worried one was going to fall on the house. He hadn’t seen a storm this bad in the ten years he’d lived here. He wondered what was to come.