Quick Write Five: Mimic the Model... Character!

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Today's Quick Write Challenge!

Read the STEPS below.  For this "Character Snapshot Quickwrite" you will mimic the model!

Step One: Read the paragraph (model) below.
          Step Two: Choose one of the characters to describe.
              Step Three: Create your own character description by   mimicking the model.


Character description taken from: "The Witches" by Roald Dahl

"That face of hers was the most frightful and frightening thing I have ever seen.  Just looking at it gave me the shakes all over.  It was so crumpled, wizened, so shrunken and shriveled, it looked as though it had been pickled in vinegar.  It was a fearsome and ghastly sight.  There was something terribly wrong with it, something foul, and putrid and decayed. It seemed quite literally to be rotting away at the edges, and in the middle of the face around the mouth and cheeks, I could see the skin all cankered and worm-eaten, as though maggots were working away in there."


1. An old, tired pirate
2. A young princess
3. An evil villain
4. A teen superhero
5. An ugly giant

Take FIVE minutes and complete the "character mimic" using the  characters given and the model provided.   Do not let your pen or pencil stop writing until time is up!